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Resurfacing a Concrete Patio and Breezyway⚠️Concrete Crack Repair⚠️Lake Ozark

All right this week, we’re in Lake of the Ozarks down in Four Seasons. This is Rick with custom concrete design. This is what we’ve got here. Is this breezeway right off the driveway and garage area? We’re gonna work on this and repair that crack.

I’m, getting ready to start the grinding, so I’m all set up with that ready to go. We’re gonna hit this little patio out here. We’re gonna come in here with a couple of base, coats, Tuscan slate texture and a antique stain.

I’m gonna. Do it at a taupe color. Try to match or get as close as we can to the side. All right, this job is complete. Take you guys for the breezeway real quick, add that cracking concrete in this breezeway right about here there let’s, build it! You guys watching this video on my youtube channel.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design









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Decorative Concrete Tuscan Slate Brick Boarder Antique Taupe Patio Custom Concrete Lake Ozark

Hey this is Rick with custom concrete design at Lake of the Ozarks. This week we are in Westphalia Missouri. We’re, going to be doing this patio right here. It’s about a thousand square feet wraps around the other side of the house over there, but we’re just going to come to this cold joint.

We’re, going to stay to the left side of it. We’ve already started doing the grinding. As you tell there, you can probably see a lot of the white drain marks where we’ve been, but those those are where the cracks are.

How will you guys can see this on a video or not? It’s kind of hard for me to tell exactly where it’s at till the Sun and shadows here, but there’s, some repairs that have to be done right here along this cold joint there’s another pretty good-sized crack right here on the corner.

It’s, not long, but it’s kind of wide. This is probably the worst one that we’ve got this just wraps on around where there’s a couple more cracks over here. You business owners pinning him between a desk and a vehicle show.

This job here in Westphalia Missouri, is now complete. We’ve got our brick borders everywhere, camouflaged our joint lines, Tuscan slate texture, finish: colors are taupe a little bit darker on the base coat a bit lighter on the topcoat.

Then we sprayed it with some antiquing stain same color, taupe spray, the border. All the brick, I should say, sprayed it through our hopper gun and we hand painted quite a few bricks, while we have various colors shine on it, a little bit closer view here.

Take you to my Facebook page. You can check that out and also take you to my website. Entryways. Looking good [ Music ] see you guys on the next project:

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design



Decorative Concrete Barnwood Resurfacing | Patio Deck Makeover with Concretewood Lake of the Ozarks


Hey guys, this is Rick with Custom Concrete Design lake of the ozarks. This week we are on the other side of the lake at a condo unit. Here lower level. They have two patios. We’re, going to go ahead and just do this one,

But first we got to take off this coating that’s on here, get it down to the bare concrete. I think i’ve. Seen a couple of cracks, we’ll, probably have to repair on that side, but overall it’s in pretty good shape.

We’re, going to come back in and put a. We’re, going to put concrete wood back over the top of this, so this is going to look like um. We’re, just gonna go in with one color. I think we’re, just gonna do a basic brown color, but we’re gonna have several different variations of that one color, but anyways yeah concrete wood.

Here we go…. What you guys are seeing here is the first coat of charcoal gray, just put it down, so this is wet. It’s right now. It’s, trying to dry it’ll dry about four or five shades lighter, and we’ll come back tomorrow and do the same thing.

We did have to do this uh outside lip here as well, because it doesn’t cool the screen door. The screen, doesn’t, go all the way to the edge, so went ahead and coated this too. Okay, our patterns taped out.

We went in with four inch six inch and we did an 8 inch too on our width and then on our length. We made them anywhere from 2, 4 6 8 and we did a few tins in there as well. So we really got everything staggered out.

Really nice, and tomorrow we’re, going to come in here and we’re going to do our base coat color over the top of this tape to basically lock it down in case there’s, any Bleed under it’ll, be the same color, so we’re going to cover this with a thin layer tomorrow, [, Music, ], okay, right now we have cut our lines, our saw cuts.

We cut them to open that back up. We pulled our tape to reveal our grout lines and our pattern um. What we’re doing right now is we’re just going through and and kind of cutting some of the corners of the boards and the edges.

I don’t know if you can see this or not right here, [ Music, ] here um here’s an edge. We’re just trying to make it somewhat jagged on some of these boards. You can see some of them here. They’re, not perfectly straight, so we’ve, just kind of gone through on different boards here and there and um.

You know just kind of knocked off the edges in the corners, but our texture went on yesterday and, as you can tell it’s, a nice wood grain texture got some of our knot. Holes in there now once we get these areas notched out.

What i’m gonna do is i’m gonna that’s. What this drill is for, i’m gonna go ahead and drill out some holes on each plank uh here and here. So two holes each side of each plank. We’re gonna have uh so that’s.

Basically gonna look like nail holes so that’s. Gonna be all the way down on every board, so it’s going to make it look even more realistic. You know between our texture and our knot, holes and our nail holes and everything um it’s.

Uh it’s, going to look like barn wood here real shortly. It already is. It just needs some coloring, which once we uh get all this done. We’re, going to go ahead and color it [ Music ] all right what we’re doing now, as you can tell making some nail holes, [, Music ].

Yes, it is  okay, this barn wood project, [ Applause ] in laurie missouri, is complete, [, Music ] so – and this is gonna, look a little bit different from different angles and heights um.

You know from this side to that side we have more light shining in and it’s. Creating a nice sheen across here and it’s. Gon na look like it’s really light and then dark. It’s all in the sunlight and the angles that i’ve got here, but this thing turned out beautiful.

Definitely going for that! Rustic barnyard, our barn farmwood, look [ Music ]! I think we got it got some nice texturing in it, nice coloring, all of our nail holes and every board a lot of knot. Holes got about a dozen.

I guess not a lot about a dozen knotholes in here, good heavy texture. Four inch wide six inch wide eight inch wide planks, all staggered: four, six, eight and ten in length.

We, got really good variation in the boards. Good variation of the texture, coloring [, Music ] – and we did hit this outside area here. [, Music ] too so  and about probably six of the boards in here we did a solid, well fairly solid, dark color to give it even more variation.

All the other ones have mixed color. Together, we got two colors brown and amber, and we got to uh about 70, probably 80 brown mixed in just a little bit amber. Give you more of a bird’s-eye view here: 

okay, let’s take a look at the detail and coloring in our planks. We also varied the um nail holes, so they’re. Not perfectly placed that’s, all done on purpose kind of staggered them too.

We actually chipped out some of the corners as well on some of the planks and also on the side of the plank to uh. Just give it more more realistic, a more realistic look trying to keep it as authentic as we could [ Music ] guys if you’re watching this on youtube.

Please subscribe to my channel. Give me a thumbs up. If you like, the work, leave me a comment, let me know what you think got any questions drop them down in the comment box.  – if you want to you, can share this video facebook youtube wherever you like, would be much appreciated again like it.

If you like, it got questions, let me know in the description comment box below speaking of the description below this video. If you are on youtube, the website links are below as well. [ Music ] check out my facebook page.

My website a lot more information there. I post all these videos there as well, but if you get subscribed, you won’t miss any of my future work. [, Music, ], [, Music ], see you guys on the next video

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design


Source : Youtube