Hey Everybody its Rick Here….

Just wanted to Let everyone know that I have added a NEW PAGE!!

At the very Top of the Website page look in the Red Tabs for Before and After Photo’s
these are just a few recent pics I put together I have many more I’m just trying to find the time
to put them all together and get them into a folder to add to that NEW Before and After Page.

I actually have like hundred’s maybe thousands of pictures I will be uploading over the coming months,  
please stay with me as I add these.

Now for those that WANT to Get Subscribed to this Website Please hit that Subscribe button at bottom right of the banner it should read Subscribe Via Email RSS feed, IF YOU DO THAT you will get notified when I make any changes to this website, including adding these Before and After Photo’s to that page.

ANOTHER way to Subscribe is to receive the Push Notifications when the Website prompts you to get Notifications at the top Center of the Website, it asks:

“This Site Would Like To Send You Push Notifications” 

IF YOU WANT to hit YES, please do so, and you WILL be Notified when I add any content.

For those that are not familiar with a Push Notification, its basically the same kind of notifications you get on your Computer or Cell Phone from say Facebook or if you get an email or text to your cell phone… I can send you those Push Notifications, BUT…Not if you don’t get subscribed, so please get subscribed so you won’t miss out on all the cool projects I create in the future…. besides why wouldn’t you get Subscribed… its FREE!! 🙂

Hope you Enjoy the pictures and Video
MORE pictures located HERE!!

Call me for a FREE Estimate.

OR – You can Fill out this Convenient Contact form located HERE and I will Contact YOU!!

Thank you for Visiting My Website, come back again soon….

Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design