Hey this is Rick with custom, concrete design and Lake of the Ozarks, and this week we are off highway, W in Lake Ozark and a RV campground site down here on the lake, and we’re going to be working on this bathroom shower area.

Laundry room right now we’re in the women’s, bathroom, getting ready to start grinding off the floor. That’s. Well, the floor coating that’s on here now I’ll, get it ground down and do all the repairs, but we ‘

Ve got to get this stuff off of here I’ve got the women’s, and out here we ‘ Ve got that’s, just a little laundry room, pretty small, but we ‘ Ve got to take the coating off of all of it and the men’s restroom over here pretty much the same as a women’s, but we’re gonna.

Let you get started and get this stuff cleaned up. Okay, we ‘ Ve got this job over here the RV park complete. We get a little bit of a water leak. There so cut two more eggs on it and put a little cup.

Underneath of this in the hose, so don’t care that that’s, what that is probably one of our more popular chip colors. It’s, just black and gray and white, pretty simple, but you know to come a lot of common colors that go with each other, so just about anything goes with black white and Reina, but it’s.

All sealed up. We’ve got one coat of sealer out now, but I’m going to take this video because we ‘ Ve got a second coat. It’s. Gon na go on and I won’t. Come back to do a final video, but they ‘

Ll have a little bit more of a shine, not a whole lot more for protection than anything. So this is the women’s, restroom shower and then here’s, a laundry room that’s in the center of the building, the smaller they’re gonna be putting shrim back up on baseboard.

We want to vary both. You know the walls prepping the walls so much on this one and we slop it everywhere, which we didn’t a little bit here and there, but it’s all about an inch or so above above the floor.

So the baseboards going to cover like that here’s, an interesting showers. Everything turned out great, so if you guys are checking this out on YouTube, you, like my videos, and you will see more of them.

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All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design








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