Wow what a Job it was right in the rainiest part of the year, well it wasn’t bad we got through this one, started with some really decent concrete made a few repairs and adjustments here and there, but overall it was a great success.

We did our usual grinding here and there, fixed some cracks, the Leveling was probably the most challenging thank you John Clary from John Clary Concrete in Laurie MO, your help was priceless.10155018_10152207076943229_7615070453990164271_n

We originally started this Project with hopes to do more than just the pool deck area, but after a late start , some rain and a timeline to get it done we decided to just concentrate on the pool deck alone for now, we will get back over there to get the rest of it done sometime this fall after Coconuts closes for the season, looks like we will have about 5,000 MORE sqft feet to get done then.

Anyway we got our first coat down (dark grout) after a week of prep work it went very smoothly, once we had that down it was time to Hand Tape that Entire pool deck you see, wow it was a job let me tell ya, but we got through it and from there once the pattern was laid down we had to get everything around the entire pool deck masked off to contain the over-spray from the Knockdown Finish that was to be laid down.

Finally we were ready to spray the surface, out first coat went down really smooth, same with the second, next was the highlight coat, we were running out of  daylight and pushed it till the last bit of light but we had enough and we got it done, came back a few days later because we had some rain come in.

Last day was clean-up, its so time consuming to mask it off, but pulling it off was a breeze!!…haha.. cleaned the surface really well after we pulled all the pattern tape and removed all the paper, now it was time for sealer!!….The sealer really makes the color pop and adds so much more dimension to any project we do, 2 coats and 8 hours later we were done with sealer and it was time for the Video and photo’s!

Hope you Enjoy the pictures and Video

MORE pictures located HERE!!

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design

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