With this patio we started out with a pretty good slab of concrete, it had 3 cracks running from the house all the way to the railing, we of course repaired them did a little grinding (just a few rough spots nothing major) and started our Overlay Process.

We did our usual prep work to begin which is always the grinding and repairs, then we go in with a Muriatic Acid wash then an Ammonia Rinse, followed by a soft water rinse, then we hammer the concrete with our 4000 PSI pressure washer and really get those pours of the concrete wide open for our overlay material.

Taped up everIMAG0669ything on the bottom end (walls, railings, posts anything we did not want concrete on) with a 3/4 inch fiber tape, then spread out the base coat slightly darker chocolate than the top coat, just trying to give the deck a more 3D look. Once the base coat was on it was time to paper off everything that we did not want Acid stain on.

Now its time for the Top coat of concrete everything is taped off and we were ready for the next phase, the top coat Texture is a Tuscan Slate its about a 85 to 90% coverage rate, so we can see the our base coat, now that the Texture coat is on we are ready to start mixing stain and spraying it on, the Acid Stain will sit in the low pockets of the design and darken the base coat a little more plus it Slightly Marbleizes the top coat Tuscan Slate Texture at the same time, really gives it a nice look.

Now its time to apply our premium Sealer, once the 1st coat goes down and soaks in the color starts to really pop, but its the second coat I call the money coat, it brings the SHINE!!

Another Patio saved and Beautified by Custom Concrete Design!

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design

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