Okay this week we are in Greenview Missouri by the hurricane deck and Lake of the Ozarks MO, today were gonna start on a condo deck luckily for us its on the ground level and will be on the backside of the complex working on this screened in patio concrete has a few cracks nothing major the complex itself is fairly new so we have some great concrete to work with and another nice view of the lake.

So first step with this concrete is to prep it up meaning open up the cracks grind the surface which opens up the pores of the concrete to get it ready for our overlay. Once the cracks are opened up I’ll go ahead and fill them and then grind them down flush with the rest of the concrete, now the cracks are filled and ground down were just gonna go ahead and grind the rest of it cleaned it up the best we can with a shop vac and then pressure wash it.

The next step is putting down the base coat we are going with a dark chocolate color as our base, that goes down pretty quick so we went ahead and put down a second base coat.

Now were ready for our top coat which is can be a Tuscan Slate texture which will now give this concrete some depth and will create a nice design for the stains in the next step.

Right now we have to prep off the screen and the inside walls with paper, mix up our antique stain pour it into our pump up sprayer and spray this out randomly most likely I will need 2 maybe 3 coats I would say the third coat will be more of a highlight coat where I just kind of spray here and there to get the marbleization that I’m looking for.

Once I have the antique stain applied and the marbleization that I’m looking for I’ll let it dry and move on to the next step will be the next day and will come in and remove the paper get it cleaned up and ready for sealer, so I always come in and put two coats a sealer on the next day this allows the antique stain to fully dry and just give me that look them after. The first coat of sealer usually gets absorbed very quickly, however the second coat is what I like to call the money coat and it really allows the color to pop and gives it a great shine.

I would say that this Brown antique stain along with our Tuscan Slate has to be one of our more popular floors that we do our client was extremely happy with it and it brought in several more bids from those that live in that condo complex, enjoy the video on this post and the rest of the videos on my page under the video gallery tab be sure and check out the picture gallery as well and all the other information on this website.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design

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Filed under: Acid Stained Concrete FloorsDecorative Concrete FlooringTuscan Slate Acid Stain

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