We Started this Residential Home in Porto Cima Sunrise Beach, MO Garage Floor Project with a Pretty Fresh Surface to work with, it had some paint, some oil, but for the most part was pretty nice to work with. We came in and Prepped the floor first by doing some grinding, removing the oil and paint/drywall mud, but once that was done, it was time to prep the walls with concrete tape.


Once we had everything prepped it was time for the Colored Epoxy which was a Med Grey color, once that was laid out I got my spiked shoes on and went out on the nice smooth like glass colored surface and proceeded to toss the chips up to cover the epoxy at a rate of 100%.IMG_0626

Last step was to lay on the clear epoxy to lock the base coats and vinyl chips in place. Pull out tape and clean up!

For More Information Please use the Contact form Located HERE

Thanks for stopping in lets talk soon…

Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design


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