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HIGH GLOSS Epoxy Garage Floor Vinyl Chips | Urethane TOP Coat Lake of the Ozarks, MO

Hey guys, it’s, Rick with custom concrete design and Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. This week we’re in Waynesville Missouri. We’re gonna be working on this garage floor. Floor is in good shape, but we’re gonna go ahead and shave off this top layer, get all the imperfections taken care of and wiped off of here.

Get it cleaned up and ready for some epoxy and chips it ‘ S got one crack here in the opening. I’m gonna go ahead and repair that, and then we’ll get started on the epoxy. Okay, we got this job in Waynesville.

Wrapped up, I can’t, go out there right now, because the urethane the final seal coat. Is it’s wet so breath? I’m just gonna get down this little step here and give you a decent view what I can anyways so the first day we ground it down, took off that top layer.

Patched everything up fix all our cracks put our base coat down. Second day and then through our chips on top, come back to the third day we get our pops eat, and then today we put on a couple coats of the urethane water-based.

You’re, a saint, so give you an outside view. They trim this out repaint it. We organize everything on the walls put the TV out here. I’m, not sure what else, but to make it look nice. I’m sure if you guys are watching this on youtube.

Please subscribe to my channel go to my website. The links are below my website and my facebook page. You can get a little bit more information there about the systems that I offer and everything I do there’s.

A lot more pictures there to you as well like the video. If you do like the work and leave me a comment, let me know what you think and we’ll, see you guys in the next video you.

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

Hope you Enjoy the pictures and Video
MORE pictures located HERE!!

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Thank you for Visiting My Website, come back again soon….

Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design










Source : Youtube

Epoxy Flooring Basement – Lake of the Ozarks Mo

Hey guys, this is Rick with custom, concrete design at Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. This week we’re in gravois mills, and we’re at this home were down in the lower-level basement. We’ve already done. All of our grinding and prepped the walls, as you can tell getting it ready for the base coat of epoxy, that’s.

Why you see these buckets of vinyl chips, that’s? The color we’re going to be doing. This is a living room area going back here to a little bedroom and closet. We’re, going to do all that. We’re, just gonna stop it right there in the entryway of that closet, and you come back and do this bathroom, of course, in this little area right here that’s, a storage area, we’re gonna Leave that alone, but we’re, getting ready to do this now so alright, I got this job over here finished up.

I’ve got well it’s, not technically it’s, not completely finished. We’ve got one more coat to put on here that’s. Why we see these rollers here, but as soon as we put that second coat on sealer, we’re gonna be out of here, but it does have one coat on that we put on last night when coat of urethane.

So we’ve got a little bit of shine, as you can see. Go on the other thing gives it more of a satin finish. So it’s. Not a real high gloss like the epoxy is, but it ‘ Ll have a little bit more shine in this once we do the second coat, but again this is just with one coat, so we’re about to wrap this up.

If you guys see this on youtube, please subscribe to my channel, see more of my videos in the future hit that like button. If you liked the video leave me a comment, let me know what you think of the job and we ‘

Ll see you guys on the next one: okay, we’ve got the second coat down and it is fresh freshly put down. So I can’t walk out there on it. So I’m gonna give you guys a reach-in view here, as you can tell you know it’s.

It’s evened up quite a bit as far as our shine goes. It’s. Got a nice nice shine to it, not high-gloss like epoxy, but still got a nice shine to it: [, Music, ], hey guys! This is Rick with custom, concrete design at Lake of the Ozarks Missouri.

This week we’re in gravel wood mill, and we’re at this home were down in the lower-level basement. We’ve, already done all of our grinding and prepped the walls, as you can tell getting it ready for the base coat of epoxy.

That’s. Why you see these buckets of vinyl chips, that’s? The color? We’re going to be doing. This is a living room area going back here to a little bedroom and closet. We’re, going to do all that. We’re, just gonna stop it right there in the entryway of that closet, and you come back and do this bathroom, of course, in this little area right here that’s, a storage area, we’re gonna Leave that alone, but we’re, getting ready to do this now so alright, I got this job over here finished up.

I’ve got well it’s, not technically it’s, not completely finished. We’ve got one more coat to put on here that’s. Why we see these rollers here, but as soon as we put that second coat on sealer, we’re gonna be out of here, but it does have one coat on that we put on last night when coat of urethane.

So we’ve got a little bit of shine, as you can see. Go on the other thing gives it more of a satin finish. So it’s. Not a real high gloss like the epoxy is, but it ‘ Ll have a little bit more shine in this once we do the second coat, but again this is just with one coat, so we’re about to wrap this up.

If you guys see this on youtube, please subscribe to my channel, see more of my videos in the future hit that like button. If you liked the video leave me a comment, let me know what you think of the job and we ‘

Ll see you guys on the next one: okay, we’ve got the second coat down and it is fresh freshly put down. So I can’t walk out there on it. So I’m gonna give you guys a reach-in view here, as you can tell you know it’s.

It’s evened up quite a bit as far as our shine goes. It’s. Got a nice nice shine to it, not high-gloss like epoxy, but still got a nice shine to it. [, Music, ]

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

Hope you Enjoy the pictures and Video
MORE pictures located HERE!!

Call me for a FREE Estimate.

OR – You can Fill out this Convenient Contact form located HERE and I will Contact YOU!!

Thank you for Visiting My Website, come back again soon….

Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design








Source : Youtube