Decorative Concrete Resurfacing Flagstone Condo Deck Lake Ozark



okay guys this week we’re in lake of the ozarks missouri down here at Palisades condo complex that’s a small deck it’s probably between 180 200 square feet I can’t remember it’s been a few months I bid it a few months ago when I bid it so well we’ve got bet all the grinding done I didn’t get my before video really so I guess this is it because there was a concrete overlay already on here and I ground it off already so as you can see we’ve got still one crack there to repair it’s a small hairline crack nothing major I’ve already got the you know the perimeter taped off I’m not gonna paper anything until next week when we start spraying but it’s ready to go for the most part right now for a base coat of chocolate concrete we’re gonna do a couple of base coats dark chocolate so that’s going to be our grout coat and then I’m gonna spray our top coat next week and over the top of that really light tan top coat is going to be a highlight to highlight coats one white one black I don’t know if I mentioned but the pattern is flagstone.

So anyways this is kind of our I guess you could say our before video I to these all the time but normally I do them before this so this is it so I’m gonna get started all right the next steps what we’ve done basically I skipped a few steps in the video process you know the last video you know you guys saw the bare concrete what I’ve done since then I put two chocolates base coats down and then I taped out today I taped out my flagstone pattern and papered off the perimeter all around the condo unit here in the screened-in area so right now I’m getting ready to put it out put on what we call a lock coat or a tack coat it’s gonna go down over the top of this tape and we’re gonna lock this tape down so that that that final color because it’s lighter we don’t want it to bleed up underneath the tape so the tack coat is going to be sprayed on next to prevent that and then of course we’re gonna once the tack coat is down we’re gonna put a very light tan over the top of this and this is actually pretty dark and I’ll show you what I mean when this is sealed it’ll be very dark brown like that but it dries extremely light so we’ll have a very light coat that’ll get sprayed over the top at the very end very light tan coat and then I’ll probably do a black and a white highlight over the top of that just kind of dust it with that so you can still see you can barely see the black and the white but you’ll you know it’ll give it a little bit of character and a little bit of depth so that’ll be the final step before we lock everything down with a seal coat on Wednesday and then it’ll be done of course and I’ll do a final video then so okay we’ve got this tat coat down over our flagstone pattern now as you’ve seen from the previous video just before this I had it taped out and ready to go for that tack code it’s over the top now you could still see the tape a little bit in spots but for the most part that uh that tape seal 

okay this job in Palisades yacht club condominiums like the use RX is finished just put the final coat of sealer on it about 30 maybe 45 minutes ago  so if you guys are checking this out on YouTube be sure and subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss out on all the future videos that I do give the video a like if you like it and you like it well enough to leave a comment good or bad just let me know I tried to include most the steps in this video didn’t quite get them all but maybe on the next one I’ll do an actual live well not live footage but some footage of me actually spraying the stuff on or laying it down with trial and be sure and check out the links in the description below the video here they’ll take you over to my website as well a lot more information there see you guys in the next project

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design










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Read More: Decorative Concrete Tuscan Slate Texture Brown Antique Stain Lake Ozark, MO


HIGH GLOSS Epoxy Garage Floor Vinyl Chips | Urethane TOP Coat Lake of the Ozarks, MO

Hey guys, it’s, Rick with custom concrete design and Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. This week we’re in Waynesville Missouri. We’re gonna be working on this garage floor. Floor is in good shape, but we’re gonna go ahead and shave off this top layer, get all the imperfections taken care of and wiped off of here.

Get it cleaned up and ready for some epoxy and chips it ‘ S got one crack here in the opening. I’m gonna go ahead and repair that, and then we’ll get started on the epoxy. Okay, we got this job in Waynesville.

Wrapped up, I can’t, go out there right now, because the urethane the final seal coat. Is it’s wet so breath? I’m just gonna get down this little step here and give you a decent view what I can anyways so the first day we ground it down, took off that top layer.

Patched everything up fix all our cracks put our base coat down. Second day and then through our chips on top, come back to the third day we get our pops eat, and then today we put on a couple coats of the urethane water-based.

You’re, a saint, so give you an outside view. They trim this out repaint it. We organize everything on the walls put the TV out here. I’m, not sure what else, but to make it look nice. I’m sure if you guys are watching this on youtube.

Please subscribe to my channel go to my website. The links are below my website and my facebook page. You can get a little bit more information there about the systems that I offer and everything I do there’s.

A lot more pictures there to you as well like the video. If you do like the work and leave me a comment, let me know what you think and we’ll, see you guys in the next video you.

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design










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Resurfacing a Concrete Patio and Breezyway⚠️Concrete Crack Repair⚠️Lake Ozark

All right this week, we’re in Lake of the Ozarks down in Four Seasons. This is Rick with custom concrete design. This is what we’ve got here. Is this breezeway right off the driveway and garage area? We’re gonna work on this and repair that crack.

I’m, getting ready to start the grinding, so I’m all set up with that ready to go. We’re gonna hit this little patio out here. We’re gonna come in here with a couple of base, coats, Tuscan slate texture and a antique stain.

I’m gonna. Do it at a taupe color. Try to match or get as close as we can to the side. All right, this job is complete. Take you guys for the breezeway real quick, add that cracking concrete in this breezeway right about here there let’s, build it! You guys watching this video on my youtube channel.

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design









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Pearl & Graphite Metallic Marble Epoxy Basement Floor Lake Ozark

Okay, guys this week we’re in Lake of the Ozarks down Horseshoe Bend, and we’re gonna be working on this basement floor here, a lot of prep work to do as you can tell I’ll walk Through it, real quick where the carpet strips were, we ‘

Ve got a lot of tack, holes that have to be repaired all around a perimeter, so this whole floor has to be ground down, along with the repairs, quite a few cracks to that. I can see – and probably quite a few that I can’t see until we actually get this forward around.

As you can tell here as well, we’ve got to repair this area all along here, because there was a wall that they took out and we ‘ Ve got a lot of grind in here, a lot of repair work that needs to be done filled in you know there’s about a good half inch lip there and we ‘

Ve got a grind down and try to feather out now there’s, some floor level, or it has to come off there’s, carpet glue that has to come off and some thin set here in the other room which I’ll show you in just second: let’s.

Go in here little bathroom in here, another little room in here. Your crack right here that’s, pretty visible. I’m sure it runs the full length we just can’t quite see all of it until we get some grind and done here, but you can tell all along this perimeter everywhere in every room we’ve got You know fill those little holes and then here, as you can tell and see that lip right there, we ‘

Ve got a grind on it, hit that floor level or off of there, and then you know, fill these areas right here. Bring that all up flush repair, this whole area right through here we’ve, got a foundation. I guess it was poured.

I don ‘ T know how they did this but looks like this is the outside of the foundation and they just poured up to it. So I’m gonna have to throw all that in. I’m going this room here, so they had tiles want to knock up all that thin set there.

It’s pretty thick, but we should be able to knock that down, get it all flat and again we got this repair right along through here that we’ll have to make and get that as level as we can. So we ‘

Ve got a lot of areas that need attention some more than others. The whole floor really needs attention, but there are some areas that that you know have some issues and we’re gonna go ahead and get them fixed up over the course of the next couple of days and get this ready for metallic epoxy.

Ok, we’ve got all of our repairs done and we’re ready for our base coat of epoxy. A big gray patch is one of our big areas that we had to repair. Was it’s very uneven about an inch and a half drop cracks everywhere, holes everywhere around the perimeter? Everything’s patched in couple cracks there in the bathroom prepared and this one large crack here that ran all the way out to the fireplace here like that big trench right there, it’s all filled in all along there.

It’s all packed in leveled, the white patches were posts were patched all those in after we ground the old material out. Let this crack right here was a really large one that went all the way in that wall in this bedroom here.

That’s repaired. You can still see it, but we’re going to cover all this up and you won’t see any of this patchwork over here we had in a couple of spots. We had about a two inch drop, so we really ground that down pretty good ground it back and then we took and filled everything in after we got all the old stuff off got ground down and then seeing it down and another area we had to patch And remember this whole back room had that thin set really thick thin set back here, got all that pulled up.

I had to patch another hole white one there and, of course you know all this level of right here it just rinse. It just runs from one side of the house to the other, so that gray patch, alright our base coat is down.

It is the next day Swiss dry. So I ‘ Ve got a lot of bubbles. You know where the product is it’s, got some air trying to escape and concrete’s. Pretty porous, though, in a lot of areas, some more than others back in here it came out pretty smooth, really don’t.

Have any bubbles speak? Oh there’s just you know some junk that that fell in there just a little bit of debris, but other than that. We’re gonna sand all this down today. So all these little bubbles and all this debris will be sanded down smooth it.

Really it’s, all gonna be after today it’s, gonna be like glass. This is this closet and here actually turned out perfect. There’s; no dirt there’s, no bubbles. I mean that’s, what you hope for pretty much on the entire floor, but that’s in a perfect world, and this was a pretty tough job.

Getting this one prepped up, it had a lot of issues, as you guys seen from the previous video. So right now we’re. Just at that stage to where this is a base coat. We’re gonna sand. It get all these little imperfections out and get it ready for our top coat, which is going to be pearl, and then we’re gonna gain in some graphite.

On top of that, so it’ll, be 75 % pearl, and here’s, a 25 % it’s. Gon na be our black graphite. Bane’s, so we’re gonna marbleize. This thing today, you can see all those bubbles I just hit up in the sander.

It’ll, come out, we’ll clean it up and get going on it, but over here is where we had all that leveling. Where this pole is all the way across, you know, we originally had a two-foot. Our 2 foot 2 inch drop right there and we leveled that down to where it ‘

S just got a slight grade to it. You know it’s, not completely level all the way back to the wall, so it does have a little bit of a grade. I don’t know what the degree of that degree is necessarily, but it’s, not bad to the eye.

You really can’t see it feel it a little bit when you walk on it, but other than that. I mean it’s, it’s tight, it’s smooth. You know on the bubble in the take out, so it’ll, be even smoother here. Those bubbles popping another area that turned out pretty nice right through here, no issues forced bubbles, just a little bit of better than debris.

You know, and again we had this repair that ran. I’m one side of the house to the other right here. It’s gone okay. We got this job over here. Four seasons is complete back bedroom here in the corner.

This was probably the nicest concrete back in here in this room. It started to get rough as we kind of come out here into the living area. This was all pretty nice through here, and it started to get kind of rough as we got right here by the fireplace and of course we had a drop right here.

There’s about a probably an inch or so over. Here we brought it down to about a half inch and put that leveler on there, so that’s, one of our spots, and this is where it goes all the way across the room.

Only across the house there’s, the other spot. There ran here from the fireplace all the way on over check all that leveler out, and that was about a two-inch drop almost of here inch and 3/4, and then we brought it down to about three quarters of an inch.

I never had to level everything else up on this side of that. So we didn’t level. It 100 %. We just kind of created a nice gradual slope, but you can’t really. You can’t really see it. It’s, pretty gradual.

This is one of my favorite spots on the floor here. First bedroom and here’s bathroom. This is pretty good Concord in here. Just had a few cracks. That’s, a major this another spot. I really like right here: it’s, got a lot of cool effects kind of here, and there around the floor all a little a little bit different small lines, large lines, double lines, swirly twirly lines, but that’s.

What makes it unique you know it’s, it’s, all a little bit different here and there. If we don’t want any kind of pattern cool spot. It goes into this back bedroom. A couple really nice areas back here as well, sometimes, but right here all through here – this is another spot for every pair.

If you guys happen to be on YouTube watching this, please subscribe to my channel. That was miss any of my videos in the future. Please, on every job, so get subscribed, hit that red button somewhere here on Facebook or on the YouTube.

If that’s, where you’re watching it and then go over to my facebook page, there’s. Links in the description below below this video, where you can go to my website and check out my Facebook page but yeah, if you guys, like this video, just hit that little like button below and leave me a comment.

Let me know what you think see you guys on the next project:

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design









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Concrete Resurfacing | How to Make Concrete Wood Lake Ozark MO

Okay, this is Rick with custom, concrete design Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. This week I am in Lake of the Ozarks Missouri on the bagnell, damn strip at T LaFata’s Salon. This is my wife salon and the coming weeks I’m, going to be doing the entryway and a metallic epoxy, but this week I’m just working on this little slab here.

Obviously I already started the grinding there’s, a crack. I’m gonna have to repair there. I’m gonna get the rest of this grinding run, put a base coat on and we’re gonna tape out up wood pattern, so it’s.

Gon na gonna be wood planks and we’ll stain it make it look like wood and then we’re going to seal it down alright. Well, we got the pattern down. What I did was, as I did four inch planks. Orange width and then six inch width and then just kind of staggered, the length of it, and once we had the pattern down just sprayed over a basically what I call a tack coat, what it does is it seals that tape kind of locks, everything in so You know my next coat that goes over the top of it being that it’s.

Gon na be a different color. We don’t want that color to bleed up underneath to taint the tape and get on to our dark grout. So we put a tack coat down to basically seal that tape. You can kind of see the pattern all right.

We got this project finished up here at T the FATA salon, Lake of the Ozarks. I just finished up a Facebook live video, so if you guys are, if I’m friends with you on Facebook, be sure and tune in to my live videos.

Get notifications for those live videos. That way, when I do these things, because I’ve been doing more and more of them on each job for each step, but on this particular job. You guys know what we did, because you watched the previous videos, but we did the coloring yesterday and and then seal it up yesterday afternoon really turned out nice.

So you really can make concrete look like wood there. You go six-inch planks, four inch planks. All staggered different links and then I use three different colors. I use Bart Brown and an amber, and then I used those two colors to make.

My third color really turned out nice, though it’s, got some great texture to it. Give you a little bit more of a close-up here, made some not holes nail holes if you guys are on my youtube channel, make sure you get subscribed.

So you don’t miss any of my videos hit that little like button. If you liked the video leave me a comment, if you like the work, make sure you get subscribed as well, you don’t want to miss these videos because there’s, gonna, be some pretty cool ones coming up.

If you got any questions about this, that maybe I haven’t addressed in my videos here, leave me some comments below and I’ll get back to you with a reply. I don’t, give everything away necessarily on the video cuz.

Then it just makes it too long, and I really don’t. Do any how-to videos, although I could I don’t, but I may do some of those in the future. See you guys on the next project. Oh by the way below this, video will be probably a couple links one to my facebook page, so hit that and go like that page.

If you like my work, the other one is a link to my website. You can check out all the videos and all the projects I have before-and-after photos of all of them, so go check that out it’s, WW custom, concrete design, dot info.

Of course, the links are below so just click those and we’ll, see you guys on the next project: [: Music, ], okay. This is Rick with custom, concrete design Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. This week I am in Lake of the Ozarks Missouri on the bag, damn strip at teyla, father’s so long.

This is my wife salon and the coming weeks I’m, going to be doing the entryway and a metallic epoxy, but this week I’m just working on this little slab here. Obviously I already started the grinding there’s, a crack.

I’m gonna have to repair there. I’m gonna get the rest of this grinding run, put a base coat on and we’re gonna tape out up wood pattern, so it’s. Gon na gonna be wood planks and we’ll stain it make it look like wood and then we’re going to seal it down alright.

Well, we got the pattern down. What I did was, as I did four inch planks. Orange width and then six inch width and then just kind of staggered, the length of it, and once we had the pattern down just sprayed over a basically what I call a tack coat, what it does is it seals that tape kind of locks, everything in so You know my next coat that goes over the top of it being that it’s.

Gon na be a different color. We don’t want that color to bleed up underneath to taint the tape and get on to our dark grout. So we put a tack coat down to basically seal that tape. You can kind of see the pattern all right.

We got this project finished up here at T the FATA salon, Lake of the Ozarks. I just finished up a Facebook live video, so if you guys are, if I’m friends with you on Facebook, be sure and tune in to my live videos.

Get notifications for those live videos. That way, when I do these things, because I’ve been doing more and more of them on each job for each step, but on this particular job. You guys know what we did, because you watched the previous videos, but we did the coloring yesterday and and then seal it up yesterday afternoon really turned out nice.

So you really can make concrete look like wood there. You go six-inch planks, four inch planks. All staggered different links and then I use three different colors. I use Bart Brown and an amber, and then I used those two colors to make.

My third color really turned out nice, though it’s, got some great texture to it. Give you a little bit more of a close-up here, made some not holes nail holes if you guys are on my youtube channel, make sure you get subscribed.

So you don’t miss any of my videos hit that little like button. If you liked the video leave me a comment, if you like the work, make sure you get subscribed as well, you don’t want to miss these videos because there’s, gonna, be some pretty cool ones coming up.

If you got any questions about this, that maybe I haven’t addressed in my videos here, leave me some comments below and I’ll get back to you with a reply. I don’t, give everything away necessarily on the video cuz.

Then it just makes it too long, and I really don’t. Do any how-to videos, although I could I don’t, but I may do some of those in the future. See you guys on the next project. Oh by the way below this, video will be probably a couple links one to my facebook page, so hit that and go like that page.

If you like my work, the other one is a link to my website. You can check out all the videos and all the projects I have before-and-after photos of all of them, so go check that out it’s, WW custom, concrete design, dot info.

Of course, the links are below so just click those and we’ll, see you guys on the next project

Please subscribe to My YouTube Channel and uh like the video. If you like it, leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and hit that little bell, so you stay subscribed to my videos. Uh links are below to my facebook page and my website, where you can get more information.

All right see you guys on the next one.

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Rick LaFata
Custom Concrete Design








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